Tuesday, October 11, 2005

What a day...during lunch today, my cell phone was stolen. I was eating lunch in the cafeteria when this guy approached me asking me about something. As I was talking to him, this other guy walked by and snatched my phone off the table. I didn't even notice anything until an undercover police officer came by and asked me if I was missing anything. It was then when I realized my phone was taken. Apparently, the officer had been trailing these two guys for awhile and saw everything that happened, and his partner caught the guy who had my phone. So, I had to take a ride in the cop car down to the police department to fill out some paperwork. My phone won't be released to me until the District Attorney's office contacts me.
Several thoughts crossed my mind...First was," What an idiot!". I couldn't believe I was stupid enough to just leave my stuff out and not even realize it was taken. Second, I was fortunate enough to have the police there. If not, my celly would have been gone for good. This made me realize how absolutely important that thing is to me. Its crazy but thats really the only means in which people can contact me. I mean, even back home, I never used the house phone. Anyone who wanted to talk to me could only do so with that number. Not only that but it contains all my contact numbers. I only have one number committed to memory...every other one is stored on my phone. So, if I had lost it, it would have been really difficult for anyone to reach me and even more arduous for me to call anyone.
I guess today is another reminder of how essential technology is in our lives...well, that and I gotta be more careful.


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