Tuesday, April 18, 2006


I checked out a very sweet Simpsons video on YouTube about a month ago not realizing how big YouTube was. I had never heard of the site before that and didn't really know what it was about. Needless to say, I do now. YouTube is everywhere...the concept is pretty simple: film yourself or other people doing stuff and put it online for the world to see. You wanna know what the measuring stick is to see if something is big-time or not? Its when Time magazine does a three-page online article about it. There are millions of videos on there ranging from stupid tricks to elaborate films to just crazy stuff captured on tape. Bill Hader from SNL told me he just made a new video a few weeks back thats on there now. So, I go to check it out and discover a bunch of other ones he's made too; I looked up Andy Samberg and found a buttload of stuff he's done with the Lonely Island crew. Viral videos are the new wave of the future making YouTube the new MySpace...



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