Monday, March 06, 2006

Academy Awards shindig

I would like to start by saying that I had the most correct picks(11) last night at our little Oscars party. Thank you, thank you very much. The two winners that surprised everyone was 3 Six Mafia for Best Song and "Crash" for Best Picture. I don't think anyone of us chose either of the two. Three 6 Mafia, para-phrase Jon Stewart," Martin Scorsese=zero Oscars. Three 6 Mafia=one." Speaking of Jon Stewart, I thought he was flippin' hilarious. He dropped some good jokes; some of them aimed at right at Hollywood too. However, the majority of the celebrities in front of him didn't get most of his political humor or nuanced mannerisms or satirical wit at all...the cameras kept cutting to Jamie Foxx who was choking with laughter because he was the only celebrity who didn't think of himself too highly to laugh. And that has become the inherent problem of the Oscars: stars who take the whole night way too seriously. I mean the four acceptance speeches that showed emotion or feeling or class were the Three 6 Mafia, the director of "Tsotsi", Reese Witherspoon, and George Clooney. Everyone else was either boring or snobby, and us common folk want to see people having a blast and thrilled to win not looking constipated or comatose.
The bits by Ben Stiller, Will Ferrell, and Steve Carell worked really well. Stewart's mock campaign ads and the gay cowboy video montage were great too. My three favorite Stewart jokes: 1) "I do have some sad news to report. Bjork couldn't be here tonight. She was trying on her Oscar dress and Dick Cheney shot her." 2) "A lot of people say that this town is too liberal, out of touch with mainstream America, an atheistic pleasure dome, a modern-day, beachfront Sodom and Gomorrah, a moral black hole where innocence is obliterated in an endless orgy of sexual gratification and greed. I don't really have a joke here. I just thought you should know a lot of people are saying that." 3) "The Oscars is really I guess the one night of the year when you can see all your favorite stars without having to donate any money to the Democratic Party. And it's exciting for the stars as well because it's the first time many of you have ever voted for a winner."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um... ...just so you know, I did pick 3 six Mafia to win. It wasn't enough to beat you, but I wasn't shocked by it.

5:44 PM  
Blogger danny said...

I had forgotten that you (by pure luck, I'm sure)pick the Mafia to win. I hope you took my trophy with you when you moved.

9:35 PM  

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