Friday, January 06, 2006

[stones from the river]1

I've always been one who likes to assign significance to things, whether its places, events, people or mementos. It helps remind me of specific moments in life, of their true meaning which, unfortunately, sometimes fades away with the passage of time and new experiences. Thats one of the things I love about the Old Testament(you know, the other half of the B-I-B-L-E); when people would commemorate blessings they've received or battles they've just won with altars and sacrifices and memorials. I think that aspect of praise is lost upon us now; although I know that praise and worship emanates from the heart, I believe we miss out on opportunities to celebrate good things by doing something special in its honor. I'm reminded of the altar Noah built when the flood receded to celebrate God's new covenant or the stones Joshua and his people took to remember how God lead them across the river Jordan or how piercing one's ear back then was a symbolic gesture to show that one is no longer a slave but a willing bond-servant to his master. These weren't things done in and of themselves as rituals, but in addition to the thankful spirit and gladness of heart shown towards the Lord.
So in an attempt to continue this tradition of celebratory symbolism of praise, I did something I had been wanting to do for a long time. But I held it off until the proper time came, a time of significance and importance. About a year and a half ago, the moment was right for me to get my first tattoo. I saw it as my stone from the river, a physical reminder of the goodness of what He was doing in my life at that point.


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