Tuesday, April 04, 2006

seasons of life

After my conversation with some close friends of mine last night about my upcoming trip back home in a couple of months, I realized how much things have changed. There are so many things that'll be different from when I left that I can't help but wonder about the scheme and timing of it all. Its weird when I recall how life was pretty much just moving along for myself, my family and friends for the longest time without any major events and then, within a short period of time, how many new chapters of life all around me have opened or will be opening: I'm in New York, Adam is in San Francisco, Kristi and Craig/Jason and Jen/Ric and Torie are all gonna have kids in the next month or so, Tommy is graduating high school in June and headed to UC Berkeley in Sept., Ronnie and Shaunti are getting married in May, Chase just got back from Iraq, the 411 found more permanent space, no more youth group...trust me, the list goes on. It seems that God decided this was His time to stir things up in our lives and in our faith. I'm just amazed and grateful that He has allowed my journey to be interwoven with the adventures of some amazing people in my life.



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