Friday, January 27, 2006

just this one time

This little quiz revealed that I'm actually just like the Web-Slinger...who knew me and Peter Parker could be buds?

Again, unbeknownst to me until I completed this, I'm the human version of Link. Oddly enough, thats who I use in Super Smash Bros.
However, for my birthday, I wish to be the hybrid of both creation...Spider-Link. I'd keep Spidey's colors and mask but wear Link's looser fitting gear. I'd still possess my Spidey senses and natural athleticism but will also use the green guy's sword and gadget belt. I wouldn't need his boomerang or any other projectile weapon since I have webbing capabilities now. How sic would that be!? I'm a bit sad now b/c I know that it'll never happened...haha.
Oh, I almost forgot...I'd definitely take MJ over Zelda.


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