Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Hey, stupid!

1. There is no need for you to use a flippin' golf umbrella in Manhattan. First of all, the sidewalks aren't that big especially when there are other people trying to get by you and your huge dome of plastic. Second, if you're that inconsiderate to use such a device to cover just one person, namely yourself, could you at least raise it when people are walking towards you? Nobody likes getting hit with pointy objects, dude. But I guess if you're inconsiderate enough to use one, you've probably neglected the fact that there are other people walking on your sidewalk as well.
2. This may not be such a widespread social convention as I had originally thought but I'll go ahead and say it and then we'll take it from there," There is always a line to get on the bus. In fact, there is usually a line to get on anything." While perhaps the notion of a line is unfamiliar to you, it still exists! Let me get this straight, even though there are about 15 people facing one direction while walking in a seemingly coherent order towards a common destination, you can skip all that "line" stuff and head into the bus anyway? Again, you've probably just forgotten that there are other people using your bus as well.
3. Now, I know that many people come from out of town to visit and sight see and all that good stuff, and I'm all good with that. Heck, I did it when I first got here. But I can tell who lives here and who doesn't by the pace in which they walk. I have to get somewhere, so I need to walk faster than you which means I would like to pass you preferably on your left side just like if we were on the freeway. Must you and/or your entire group stop in the middle of the sidewalk and stare upwards while other people are trying to get to work? Just move over to the side and stare as long as you want; why would you just take up the most used space on the sidewalk for recreational purposes? And do you need to stop in the middle of the crosswalk too? Really, you have to take that picture smack-dab in the center of the street? Probably didn't realized that other people live in your city too, huh?


Blogger adam said...

i'm laughing out loud right now......

"you and your huge dome of plastic." - hilarious.

8:27 PM  
Blogger danny said...

Yeah, its pretty funny now that I look back on it but at those moments in time, I was pissed! I was like,"Elf you, dude!"

10:05 PM  

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