Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I haven't cut my hair since I moved to New York. For those keeping score, its been six months and three days. This is the longest I've had it since I was 11! Before going East, the length of time between my haircuts was about 10 days and absolutely no more that 14. So you can imagine what an adjustment I've had to make with all this stuff on my head; I literally have no control over what it wants to do every day. I'm this close to getting rid of most of it and going back to my short look that I can actually manage properly. But the more I think about it, the more I find it to be a control issue. And so, since I like to think of myself as a recovering Type-A perfectionist, I'm tolerating the mess it creates on my head and on my patience a tad bit longer. But if the situation doesn't improve soon, see ya!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you look down right sexy with that hair...i frickin love it!!!

8:29 PM  
Blogger danny said...

Your absolutely kidding, right? I can't stand the thing!

10:03 PM  

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