Friday, December 10, 2004

TV...heck yeaaah!

We just got our cable hooked up today. And not a moment sooner either because I only watch TV on Thursdays. The Apprentice 2 isn't nearly as good as last season. The two finalists, Kelly and Jen, aren't as spectacular as Bill and Kwame. I think Kelly has it in the bag as long as it doesn't rain at the polo club, but it was entertaining to watch Jen and Sandy go at it without pulling any punches. I thought someone was gonna get back-handed.
Survivor-wise, I can't believe Twila and Scout(of all people) are in the final four. This is indicates a few things: 1) this season has been void of any real strategist 2) nobody has a personality that stands out. In the other seasons, there were one or two people who represented the season but not here unless you're thinking of possibly Ami or Eliza...thats a bit of a stretch though 3) inherent flaws in the game are made evident in this season: Eliza has the most votes against her and much more than many others that were casted off but yet made final four? What strategy can Twila and Scout claim to have devised to explain how inept and incompetent other people were to allow them to stay?
Needless to say, I'm looking forward to the conclusion of both shows for a few reason. One, I can do something else on Thursday nights again...pathetic, I know. Two, I'm interested how Ami, Julie, and Eliza look in "real" life. Three, the end of this season means a preview of the next!
Joey has been entertaining but has been relegated to being watched intermittently between Survivor commercials. Its a little disappointing but every now and then, he just kills me.
Oh yeah, Tommy just got Napoleon Dynamite on the computer. Good times...good times!


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