Thursday, January 27, 2005

peace in the middle east?
Nope...and I'm not talking about Iraq. We've bombed Afghanistan and then Iraq and now...hey, how about the country in between those two-Iran? The article is pretty long but really basically states that the US has been conducting covert missions in Iran since last summer with the goal of producing key targets to eliminate if ( more like when) America were forced to take military action against Iran. The groundwork has been set to approach Iran the same way America approached Iraq: possible WMD's/ violation of UN sanctions/ spread of Democracy.
Is it just me or is America's desire to spread democracy geo-centric? What I mean is, why is the US fixated upon that region of the world when there are other known "terrorist" states that go by w/o any real concern?
You think soldiers are gonna come home soon? Not with the unstability of the Iraqi elections and the possibilty of another war looming on the horizon...


Blogger Chandi said...

You "BTW" a lot, D-A-N-N-Y...

Those two conclusions are the only two logical choices in any persons life.
We have the same taste in movies.

7:37 AM  
Blogger Chandi said...

Hey, that's MY "on my way to work" song!
And finally a man that appreciates The O.C.

2:54 PM  

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