Tuesday, February 08, 2005

2.4 mil huh?

So what can you buy for that much money? How about 30 secs of fame for the pleasure of about 86 million viewers? The popularity of Superbowl commercials has become as a great an entity as the game itself( and in certain circles, much more popular especially with the non-sports enthusiasts). I notice some of my friends getting up to grab food and beer during the game so that they can sit back in time to catch the ads.
There were some pretty good ones: the BudLite skydiving one with the pilot was great, the Burt Reynolds/list/bear one was funny, and my favorite has to be the one with what looks like the husband killing the cat but not really. Good stuff...in case anyone missed them, you can check them out here http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/3379574?GT1=6083.
Unfortunately, there some pretty bad one too: any Cialis ad is unnecessary, the P.Diddy/Diet Pepsi truck sucked, and the MC Hammer one was weak.


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