Tuesday, September 12, 2006

my one year

Before the Artery began tonight, I realized that today marked my one year of being here in New York. That is so crazy...I can't believe its been 365 days already! Just goes to show that you never really know where God is leading ya. As I was thinking about all that has happened in my own life during this past year, all the happenings in my family and friends' lives since I moved to NYC came to mind as well. Here are some things that crossed my mental processes:
1) Adam moved to SF 2) Aaron went to Ghana 3) Emily graduated 4) Tommy graduated and just started at Berkeley 5) Kristi and Craig had their first baby girl 6) Jason and Jen had their first child 7) Ric and Torie had their first child as well 8) None of us are on high school staff any longer and 9) I'm frickin' 26!
There are a bunch of other things that I'm recalling even as I'm posting this...I look forward to seeing where I'm at next September 12th, and I just don't mean physically.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

i have to come visit you in new york. hopefully i can work something out after i graduate which will be in 3 months almost to the day! (thank you Jesus!) i miss you!

9:16 PM  
Blogger danny said...

You better come out and visit! i haven't really hung out with ya since...oh yeah, since I threw up pizza on the carpet...good times.

11:31 PM  

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